This project talks about the transformation of unrealistic beauty standards into obsession.

My photographs pretend to reflex the emotional state of a woman through the photographs of a young lady and her magnifying mirror.

How is very common that quotidiane beauty rituals (like a makeup session)  can subtly hide leading to frustration, self esteem problems and to obsession in the worst scenario.

Working some years in publicity for cosmetic catalogs showed me how all the marketing system is always trying to sale dissatisfaction.

The first part of it is to create a beauty problem where there is none, and immediately sell a solution with an unreachable model.

The purpose is to sell the idea of a beauty transformation with some advertise product. At the same time, the customer would never be satisfied because they won't be that model. This will lead a huge amount of women to frustration, poor body image and sometimes to a obsession for an unreachable beauty.

This serie have 16 photographs presented like a mosaic.


Museo Contemporaneo: "Tu huaco Retrato"


Always Beauty